Balneoclimatic resort
Turda is in the top 10 spas in Romania
The Romanian Balneology Association has made the annual ranking of the resorts in our country. Criteria such as the level of investments in treatment bases, infrastructure, promotion and quality of tourist and medical services were taken into account.
The natural setting
Băile Turda resort is located in the northeastern part of Turda, in the area of development of massive salt deposits. The salt massifs from Turda are placed in the westernmost point of the Transylvanian Depression, in the area immediately adjacent to the contact of the mountain block of the Apuseni Mountains with the sedimentary basin.
Geology. The geological structure of the subsoil directly influenced the geomorphological, climatic and vegetation aspect of the area.
Recent research argues the idea that, in the time interval 13.6 – 13.4 Ma, the isolation of the Transylvanian Basin from the Pannonian Basin produced against the background of the last decrease of the planetary ocean level during the Badenian, in a temperate-Mediterranean climate , was the main cause in the precipitation of salt.
Vegetation. The areas where the salt massifs develop are characterized by the presence of salts. They consist of large areas covered with strong saline efflorescences, especially in dry seasons. The vegetal associations are those characteristic of the forest-steppe area, with an advanced degree of stepping.
The vegetation consists of halophytes arranged in relatively concentric areas, by genera and species, according to the degree of salt concentration. The grassy vegetation is very varied, depending on the complexity of the ecological conditions. In the central area of the salts we find Salicornia herbacea and Suaeda maritima, and the outer circle is formed by Salicornia herbacea in association with Aster tripolium, Aster transilvanica and Aster lemnosa. Genres: Salsola, Salicornia and Tamarix lend the soil a specific color, red-purple.
Natural Therapeutic Factors
The anthropic intervention on the saliferous deposits from Turda for the purpose of salt exploitation left behind favorable conditions for here, through a natural evolution, to appear particularly valuable spa cure factors.
The existing natural therapeutic factors in Băile Turda resort are chlorosodium salt mineral waters, sapropelic mud and salty clays (with reduced therapeutic use at present). The climatic factor is characterized by a sedative bioclimate – regardless of or sparing characteristic of the hilly region where the Baile Turda Resort is located, moderate temperatures, low wind speed and is complemented by the saline microclimate.
Last news
Information and press releases about Băile Turda Balneoclimatic Resort
Băile Turda Resort – a landmark for balneo-climatic treatment and relaxation
The municipality of Turda is implementing, starting with 24.04.2018 the project "Rehabilitation and modernization of road infrastructure and
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